Park named the 17th Chairman of Jongno-gu Saemaul Association

2023.05.24 17:15:07

Park says, “We will continue to discover and foster sustainable businesses

By Reporter Kayla Lee



At the 2023 interim general meeting, he was unanimously appointed as the rep­resentative member. He stated that he will continue to discover and foster sustainable business­es in each field."


On April 26th, Jongno-gu Saemaul Community held its 2023 interim general meeting at Sungkyunkwan Convention Wedding Hall and unanimously elected Park Rae-chun as the 17th chairman among the 40 members in attendance.


Park has been actively in­volved in social contribution and volunteering, supporting donations to the Jongno Social Welfare Council and sponsor­ing 50 sets of wedding gifts, including watches and pearl necklaces, for North Korean defectors through KBS. The Jongno-gu district mayor, Jeong Moon-heon, expressed his hope that the appointment of Park will become an impetus for the Jongno-gu Saemaul Association to unite and lead the high mod­ernization of Jongno-gu.


Kim Il-geun, the former chair­man of the Jongno-gu Saemaul Association, wished for the unity of the Saemaul family under Park's leadership and the establishment of the association as the best Saemaul chapter in Seoul. Other attendees at the meeting included Vice Chair­man Lee Kwang-gyu, Secretary General Lee Si-hoon, Cultural Affairs Director Lee Eung-joo, Construction Welfare Chair­man Kim Ha-young, Ethics Special Committee Chairman Park Hee-yeon, and Advisor Jeong Chang-hee.


On that day, about 60 mem­bers of the Saemaul Communi­ty attended the interim general meeting, including Jung Moon-heon, the former mayor of Jongno-gu, Lee So-yoon, wife of Congressman Choi Jae-hyung, Lee Kwang-gyu, the vice chair­man of the Jongno-gu Council, Lee Si-hoon, the operating di­rector, Lee Eung-joo, the ad­ministrative culture director, Kim Ha-young, the construction welfare director, Park Hee-yeon, the special ethics director, advisor Jung Chang-hee, Kim Il-geun, the chairman of Seoul Saemaul Community, and past Jongno-gu Saemaul Commu­nity chairpersons such as Kim Dong-ryeol, Choi Yi-seong, Shim Jae-nyeo, Woo Byung-woo, Chae Beom-gyu, and di­rectors Cha Jung-in, Shin Gu-rye, Jung Taek-yoon, Kim Jung-hwan, and Lee Bok-ryul."



Park Rae-chun (April 25, 1965)

○ Career

Current) Chairman & CEO of Goldyu Group Co., Ltd.

Current) CEO of SM Gold Exchange Co., Ltd.

Current) Senior Vice Chair­man of Korea Gold Sales Cen­tral Association

Current) Standing Repre­sentative of North-South Love Bread Shar ing Campaign Headquarters

Current) Director of Taeguk Mark Korea Gold Appraisal In­stitute.

Former) CEO of Samsung Gold Exchange Co., Ltd.

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