
Yoon says, “We will stand together until Ukraine achieves peace”

President Yoon Suk-yeol holds a summit with Ukraine President

By Reporter Kayla Lee



President Yoon Suk-yeol stated, "We will stand together until Ukraine achieves peace and restores daily life."

On May 21st, President Yoon Suk-yeol held a summit meet­ing with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, and exchanged views on the situ­ation in Ukraine and support measures.


Yoon emphasized that South Korea values freedom, interna­tional solidarity, and a rules-based international order, reaf­firming its position of solidar­ity and support for Ukraine. The Korean government will continue to provide diplomatic, economic, and humanitarian support to Ukraine, includ­ing close cooperation with the international community, in meeting Ukraine's needs.


President Zelenskyy ex­pressed gratitude for the contin­uous support from the Korean government in guaranteeing the freedom of the Ukrainian people through solidarity with the free world. He expressed the hope for further expan­sion of cooperation with Korea to promptly end the war in Ukraine and achieve peace.


Furthermore, President Zel­enskyy expressed gratitude for the timely provision of human­itarian support items urgently needed by Ukraine, such as medicine, generators, and ed­ucational computers, through close consultations between the Korean and Ukrainian govern­ments. He also expressed the hope for additional non-lethal aid in the future.


In response, President Yoon Suk-yeol stated that efforts will be made to swiftly provide the necessary items currently needed by Ukraine, such as mine clearance equipment and emergency transport vehicles. Both leaders also acknowl­edged the importance of bilat­eral cooperation for the recon­struction and recovery of post-war Ukraine. They agreed to continue providing the neces­sary support for the rapid recon­struction of Ukraine by involv­ing excellent Korean companies in reconstruction projects.


President Zelenskyy em­phasized that international support for Ukraine has be­come increasingly important amid the protracted war in the country. In response, Presi­dent Yoon Suk-yeol stated that South Korea will stand togeth­er with the Ukrainian people until they restore peace a daily life.