
Lee Jae-myung expects to announce his candidacy for party leader on 17th July.

Lee Jae-myung of the Democratic Party of Korea will officially announce his candidacy for the party leadership on the 17th.

A key official of Rep. Lee's side said in a telephone interview with Yonhap News on the 14th, "Rep. Lee is preparing to run on the 17th."

Lee is expected to focus on "political reform" that he has emphasized since his days as a presidential candidate when he announced his candidacy. The official said, "We will include in the declaration what Rep. Lee has usually said is important."

In the party, the term "Eo Dae-myung (the party leader is Lee Jae-myung anyway)" has been rising and falling, making Lee's candidacy a fait accompli, but this is the first time that his intention to run has been revealed. As there is a lot of antipathy within the party against Rep. Lee's challenge for party leadership, he is expected to send a message emphasizing "integration within the party" through his declaration of candidacy. 

The Democratic Party of Korea will register candidates for the national convention for two days from the 17th July, and the preliminary primary (cut-off) will be held on the 28th July. 


Reference 이재명, 17일 당대표 출마 선언…"마음 정리했다"(종합)


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